OK, without dwelling on events of 2020 it’s fair to say that although the diving industry is still well and truly alive, dive operators are now looking at finding alternative methods to attract business. This can be achieved in a variety of ways and we prefer to favour the option of providing a higher quality experience at the same price rather than reducing the price and trimming away at the edges.

The cost of taking the PADI IDC these days…

Over the course of time we have seen many dive operators from various worldwide locations offering a whole range of different options and different prices and it’s important that this doesn’t go completely in one particular direction and that there must also be a certain degree of quality control. Of course we are not at the stage of comparing it to the automotive market just yet, but a quote from BBC’s Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson did provide us with an interesting analogy:


“No, no, no. There’s no such thing as cheap and cheerful. It’s cheap and nasty & expensive and cheerful.” ― Jeremy Clarkson.

OK, so of course we don’t wish to be considered expensive and we want to be well over and above the cheerful category, so for us a phrase from Zig Ziglar, one of the world’s most popular and motivational speakers, better suits our position and approach:


“It’s easier to explain price once than to apologize for quality forever.” – ZigZigler.

The cost of taking the PADI IDC here with PADI CD Holly Macleod

Of course we don’t really need to explain the price as it is fairly reasonable and is definitely not over the top, but we will briefly touch on some of the benefits provided when taking the PADI Scuba Diving Instructor Development Course with PADI Course Director Holly Macleod in the Gili Islands, Indonesia.

Although you will not find the usual offers of discounts, early bird special prices, knock down additional courses, free courses, free equipment and other common trinkets; you will find unusually high levels of Quality, Experience and Assurance which is a feature of all professional Instructor training activities conducted by Holly. Ensuring all new scuba diving instructors gain the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to be highly successful in this exciting and rewarding career.

So if we delve further into the concepts of Quality, Experience and Assurance, we can see why value for money is only really quantified when we look at what is offered.

Of course experience and assurance are two of the factors that ultimately contribute towards overall quality, but as an industry guideline we can use the governing organisation as an indicator of quality recognition.


Where you will take the PADI PADI IDC with Holly Macleod

The program takes place at Trawangan Dive the only ever 5 Star PADI IDC Career Development Centre (CDC) to have been established on the island of Gili Trawangan, and in fact the first to be established in the Gili Islands and the entire Lombok regency. The PADI 5 star CDC rating itself providing both recreational and professional divers with the confidence and indeed assurance that facilities are at the highest possible standard available within the dive industry, and guarantees a true world class training environment along with a long history of meeting the quality assurance prerequisites to maintain this distinct status.

PADI IDC Training Boat
PADI Pros Underwater

The Program Conducted by PADI Course Director Holly

The PADI IDC Indonesia program has been specifically designed to incorporate the standard PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) syllabus whilst also expanding upon this curriculum to include many real life scenarios and teaching situations which have been tried and tested over nearly 2 decades of teaching PADI programs and courses. Whilst operating the new PADI IDC curriculum introduced in 2020, Holly was involved in the early stages of research and development during 2019 and has now established the perfect schedule to provide prospective instructors with the ultimate format to absorb the online portion, practical aspects and experience based components of the program.

Additional components included with PADI Course Director Holly

Other additional components outside of the PADI based curriculum include additional experienced based workshops exploring alternative methods of skill performance, delivery and evaluation as well as methods of adapting to environmental conditions, such as changing currents, visibility and general unforeseen logistical barriers. The program now adopts an increased focus on continuing education programs with experience based scenario workshops for Deep Dive training, DSD and a more thorough overview of the PADI Rescue Diver Course. There are also a range of smaller additional mini group workshops which have been designed in house to be both fun and educational including dive activity planning, WRSTC fundamentals, ISO Standards Review, Local Regulations overview and Understanding legislative, organisational and quality control guidelines.

Though not strictly part of the IDC itself, the EFRI rating is required for all candidates aiming to become a PADI Instructor so Holly has also taken steps to improve the range of knowledge and skills covered. We now include additional components such as airway management and the use of adjuncts as well as specific workshops on how to manage drowning incidents and the use of tourniquets in serious bleeding incidents.

The Solution

Of course choosing where to take your professional PADI training is completely your decision and of course price is definitely a consideration when purchasing training programs as much as other goods or services. But in today’s ever changing world it is important that some consideration be placed on the level of quality you will receive, the experience of those providing it and the kind of assurance you can gain from the activity.

The PADI Scuba Diving Instructor Development Course (IDC) is entirely conducted by Holly and has been specifically designed to provide a standard of training now considered to be way over and above that generally found within the dive industry and ultimately provide new instructors with the experience, knowledge and most of all confidence to be highly successful within the industry.

For more information on the program check out the PADI IDC Indonesia Instagram page or check out the first hand reviews on the PADI IDC Gili Islands TripAdvisor Page.


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