Thinking about taking your PADI Divemaster or PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC)? Interested in marine conservation? We have the answer! Our Gili IDC Indonesia Career Development Program can now be combined with the Biorock® Indonesia project. It’s a real chance to offset your carbon footprint whilst also learning to be a PADI Instructor at one of Indonesia’s premier training facilities.

The Coral reef restoration program is a two week course that can be taken either before or after the PADI Instructor Development Course. Although the program is designed to increase knowledge and experience of coral gardening and reef surveying techniques, it is also a great way to increase your general environmental awareness by showing people first-hand the need for this and other similar projects.

During the 2 week program students will participate in both theoretical and practical application of the following topics

  • Coral ecology
  • Species identification
  • Reef threats (bacterial algae’s, sponges, Crown of thorns, Drupella snails and more).
  • Coral gardening (removal of obvious threats, overturning broken corals, coral collection and re-attachment to Biorock® structures, cementing of shifting rubble, algae removal).
  • Coral survey techniques
  • Data submission to PADI’s Coral Watch (grid method)
  • Photo submission of existing Biorock® to The Global Coral Reef Alliance.
  • Identify and measurement of both Biorock® and naturally grown corals for internal analysis

 During the course students will be required to participate in 2 dives a day, 6 days a week and at the end of this program students will actually create their own Biorock®. Whilst building the structure the students will work in a team learning all aspects of the project; including material choice, how to weld, how to wire up the power source, submerging the structure and where to place the structure for the best possible success. Of course the project will be photographed along the way to capture yet another Biorock® during its early stages.

The PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) is conducted on a 10 day schedule and prices include pre-IDC study workshops (minimum of 4 days recommended) and the EFRI course which is usually conducted immediately after the IDC.

Our program does not only provide you with the necessary tools to pass your PADI Instructor Exam (IE), but takes you to a training level that far exceeds that expected within industry, our aim is to prepare you to work as a dive professional rather than pass an exam and we will ensure that we equip you with the training, tools, knowledge and confidence to do so. Our PADI Course Director has a wealth of experience within the dive industry and can not only share her personal experience, but can explain what to expect from the industry in a particular area and conversely, what the industry may expect from a prospective employee.

Information regarding the courses, including schedules, timetables and a complete downloadable information booklet can be found on our IDC Indonesia website. Another way to see how previous candidates have got on is to check our PADI IDC Gili Islands Facebook Page, which of course is constantly updated to include current progress of our candidates.  Some of our previous candidates, the facilities and our training sites can also be found on YouTube where you will find our PADI IDC Indonesia video.

So if you are serious about becoming a PADI Instructor than this is definitely the place to do it, and of course if you have a passion for preserving and protecting the marine environment or just simply look after your future workplace than this is it.

As they say “the ocean is your office”, so why not keep a tidy office.

Don’t hesitate to contact our PADI Course Director for further details of this or any of our Career Development Programs.

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