During the PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) here on the Gili Islands, Indonesia candidates are often curious why knots are included in the course.

In Asia it is often the case whereby dive centers will have a boat crew that operates the entire boat duties leaving the PADI Instructor to concentrate on the diving duties. Elsewhere it is common place that everyone on the boat is expected to help out with the boat duties and in some cases Instructors are expected to run the entire trip on a boat by themselves. Knots and ropework are also a big part of many Search and Recovery operations; so for these reasons PADI has now included a basic knot tying exercise to the course.

In this article we have attempted to answer the common questions related to knot tying within the PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC).


A decade or so ago you would not find knots included within the PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC). Over the years, this has prompted a lot of questions regarding the reasons why. As we already know there are many occasions where instructors are required to use knots when tying off buoy lines, mooring boats and even in life saving rescue situations.

PADI has now identified this situation and included 3 basic knots within the PADI Instructor Development Course. These basic knots will allow instructors to fulfill their duties more adequately and gives them a basic intro to knot tying. It also helps prepare Instructors to teach Search and Recovery activities in both the Advanced Open water and Divemaster courses. If instructors wish to further their knot tying knowledge it provides a great foundation.


Knots can generally be classified into three different types; knots, bends and hitches. Therefore it would be ideal if an instructor learns to tie the most common of these knots. The PADI Instructor Development Course focuses around three particular knots: the bowline, the sheet bend and the two half hitches.

PADI Knots Workshop in the pool
Tying Knots on the PADII


The inclusion of knot tying within the course has a very positive impact on both the scuba industry and upon new PADI Instructors. Employers are more confident with the level of training the Instructor has received and no longer needs to worry if the can tie off the boat, or perform in a rescue situation. The Instructor is more confident in not only their own skill set but also to teach these skills to their future students.

About the PADI IDC in the Gili Islands with Holly Macleod

Knots are just a small part of the PADI IDC Gili Islands Scuba Diving Instructor Development Course with Award Winning Industry Leading Multiple Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod. The entire program is entirely conducted by Holly and has been specifically designed to draw upon her own personal experience.

Having worked as a professional PADI Scuba Diving Instructor for over 17 years within a range of different global diving destinations including Honduras, Thailand, Australia, UK, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore; Holly has now received the Platinum Frequent Trainer Award for the last 7 years running and issued well over 3000 Instructor level certifications in the Gili Islands alone, providing the pure experience to assist professional divers in developing the skills, knowledge and confidence to be a highly successful Instructor.  Holly is the perfect person to consult when making the transition into a new career knowing exactly what is expected from new instructors and of course what new scuba diving instructors should expect from the diving industry.

For more information on the program all the latest news and updates can be found on the PADI IDC Indonesia Instagram Page and first hand reviews can be found on the PADI IDC Gili Islands TripAdvisor Page.


Contact Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod for any additional information on

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