PADI MSDT Preparation


"Be a Master in The PADI Specialities"

Teach a wide range of Specialty Courses “teach the one’s you love the most”

Book your PADI MSDT Prep Now

Prerequisites & Requirements


  • Teaching Status PADI OWSI or above
  • 10 logged dives in the respective specialty area
  • Diver level certification is required for Enriched Air, Sidemount and Self Reliant Instructor rating.
  • The PADI MSDT rating requires a minimum of 25 student certifications and active teaching PADI status for 5 or more specialties

What materials are required?


  • Specialty Instructor Manual CD-ROM (as included in your IDC crew pak)
  • Student level training manual and video (if applicable)
  • Dive equipment and accessories to meet all course requirements
  • Induvial materials will be required for each corresponding specialty course undertaken on the MSDT

Specialty Course Duration


  • Duration will depend on the individual specialty course chosen
  • A 4 dive course at student level is 2 dives or 1 day at Instructor level.
  • A 2 dive course at student level is 1 dive or a half day.
  • Duration of the entire MSDT Prep is approximately 3 -6 days, dependent on chosen specialties
What can a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer do?

As an MSDT, you will be able to teach all the Specialty courses that you have chosen and completed. But having an MSDT rating is needed to move on to PADI IDC Staff Instructor training and to gain Master Instructor rating.

Our experienced course directors and varied conditions mean that we can offer some of the best MSDT training in Asia.

Why become a Master Scuba Diver Trainer? (MSDT) 

 Take the next step on the professional ladder. Teaching diving is a passion, so the next step for many Instructors is increasing the range of programs they can teach. This makes the Master Scuba Diver Trainer the next logical step.

Not only does our MSDT training program give you the training and practical experience of how to run a minimum of 5 PADI specialty courses; but gaining this rating also makes you more employable in the eyes of dive center owners as you can offer far more teaching options to their customers.

 We all tend to have our preferred style of diving, whether it is exploring wrecks, diving deeper, or learning more about the species we see. The best thing about specialties is that allows you and your students to really focus on a particular type of diving. You can then learn the skills, equipment considerations, awareness and knowledge to do those dives in the safest and most fun way. 


More about the PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) Preparation Course

 We are very lucky that the dive sites around the Gili islands offer us a huge variety. These conditions allow us to conduct almost all of the PADI specialty programs available (No Dry Suits here!).

To gain the MSDT rating you will need to be a Specialty Instructor in at least 5 PADI specialties. Although we are happy to suggest courses, the choice really is yours. 

Specialty training is very much practical based. You will start by reviewing the standards and structure of each program before going on dives with our Course Director. During these you will plan and conduct the dives and performance requirements that your future students will need to master.

 We will schedule dive sites that have the best conditions for each particular course. As different specialties vary in length, we personalize your MSDT schedule based on your course choices. Expect the training to last 4 – 5 days on average. To get a better idea of what your training schedule would look like, please contact us directly.

Contact Us Now to arrange your Professional Training

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