PADI Specialty Instructor Training


"Teach your Favorite Style of Diving"

Most Dive Instructors love diving, so why not teach a wider range of PADI Specialties.

Book your Specialty Training now !

Why become a Specialty Instructor?

Most of us choose to become Dive Instructors because we love diving. But learning to be a Specialty Instructor is a great way of improving your job prospects. What’s more, it’s ideal for continuing your own learning.

Our Gili IDC courses offer some of the best  PADI Speciality Instructor training around.


Being a Specialty Instructor allows you to teach your students more niche diving activities in new environments. It’s also a way of showing them new equipment and to teach the style of diving that you love!

Working as an Instructor in Photography (for example) is a great way of taking your teaching to the next level. Likewise with Sidemount, Deep, Nitrox and other available speciality courses.

Specialty training is very much practice based. You will start by reviewing the standards and structure of the program before going on dives with our Course Director. During these you will plan and conduct the dives that your future students will need to master.

Each specialty course varies in length, so contact us for more details on the course that interests you.

What can a Specialty Instructor do?

Quite simply, being a Specialty Instructor allows you to independently teach and certify divers in that Specialty area.

Course Prerequisites & Requirements


  • Teaching Status PADI OWSI or above
  • 10 logged dives in the respective specialty area
  • Diver level certification is required for Enriched Air, Sidemount and Self Reliant Instructor rating.

What materials are required?


  • Specialty Instructor Manual CD-ROM (as included in your IDC crewpack)
  • Student level manual and video (if applicable)
  • Dive equipment and accessories to meet all performance requirements

PADI Specialty Course Duration


  • Duration will depend on the individual specialty course chosen
  • A 4 dive course at student level is 2 dives or 1 day at Instructor level.
  • A 2 dive course at student level is 1 dive or a half day.

Contact Us Now to arrange PADI Specialty Instructor Training

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